Our Projects

European University Cyprus

Nicosia, Cyprus

Our Projects

European University Cyprus

Nicosia, Cyprus

ENTELIS: European Network for Technology Enhanced Learning in an Inclusive Society

The development of digital skills is important for the inclusion and participation, further learning, employability, emancipation and active citizenship and self-fulfilment of people with disabilities. ENTELIS, a KA3 ICT Multilateral Network, aims to address issues of reducing the digital divide, especially for people with disabilities of all ages, and to increase participation and social inclusion, by creating a sustainable network of significant stakeholders in digital competence acquisition of people with disabilities. The project will promote the quality and quantity of opportunities for learners with disabilities, by sharing experiences and expertise and by providing policymakers, and the entire community committed to support people with disabilities, with foresight scenario’s and roadmaps. The role of assistive technology in educational processes will be a central issue in this project, although also mainstream ICT and accessibility issues will be addressed.
