by P.Cheng P.Cheng No Comments

RELOBIE: Reusable Learning Objects in Education

The aim of RELOBIE: Reusable Learning Objects in Education is to improve the adult and higher education in the participating countries and strengthen the teachers´ skills and knowledge in using videos in all education and thus their digital competences, as well as inspiring them to new ideas about teaching methods and on-line learning. The project will gather the best practices and experiences of the participating institutions and countries and empower educators with better tools, skills and know-how on video production and on-line learning. It will give the students inspiring studying materials and support teachers’ development through the design of an inspiring virtual guide for teaching and planning staff on videos in education.  The guide will be a collection of guidelines, best practices and concrete concepts for different purposes of videos in education (for face-to-face education and on-line education, filming by video camera, and screen recording) both for teaching staff and for film producing staff. The guide will consist of filmed interviews with experts on videos and adult education, with students and teachers, and share inspirational experiences and contain more general guidelines and dos and don’t s. The meaning of the guide is to teach both target groups to understand film material and give them tools for improving the learning outcomes of their students.

The project will also adapt traditional teaching methods and face-to-face teaching with MOOCs and on-line learning. The participants will renew their didactics and learn how to use flipped classroom as a learning method in their own teaching. The digital skills and competencies of the teaching staff will increase. The use of digital and on-line material will boost among the adult and higher education in the participating countries. This will result in higher quality of the teaching and learning and more available courses and training for students and adult learners in form of more personalized learning, better learning experience and improved use of resources.

Funding Organization: European Commission –Erasmus+ /Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices/ Strategic Partnerships (2014-1-FI01-KA200-000831)

Project duration: September 2014 – August 2016

Project Website: